Business profile

Frame Center

JSC ASC provides a complete work package from design to on-site commissioning of facilities.

The company engages not only in design, manufacture of object-oriented products and commissioning, but also develops the in-house designs for control systems and devices that meet the demands of the present-day production and promising trends.

  • • Due to our long-term experience in various industry sectors we are capable of finding solutions to the most complicated tasks in the field of industrial automation.  
  • • Our enterprise has gathered a wealth of experience in the domain of information technologies, which enables us to implement the up-to-date hardware and software equipment to be used almost in any industry sector.
  • • The available engineering and scientific resources provide for effective usage of the scientific and technical manpower and allow us to do the experimental research at a state-of-the-art level.
  • • The highly-qualified and experienced professionals provide a full range of services associated with the upgrade of electrical equipment and process control systems for drilling rigs.
  • • Our vast experience in design and implementation of automatic equipment and remote control for railways has made it possible to create the microprocessor-based interlocking system «MIS-ASC» (stands for Russian «МПЦ-АСК») and the axle counting system «ACS-ASC» (stands for Russian «ССО-АСК») to be used at non-public railway stations of industrial enterprises.
  • • Our enterprise is able to implement the complex projects, acting as a General contractor and providing the whole work package on site.