Automatic equipment and remote control systems for railways

Frame Center

Automatic equipment and remote control systems are essential to train traffic safety when it comes to industrial railway transport. Thanks to development and implementation of microprocessor-based signals and interlocking systems, it is possible to create the geo-informational platforms permeating the whole enterprise.   

Since 2002 one of the business lines of AO ASC has been design and implementation of automatic equipment and remote control systems for railways, based on microprocessor interlocking system «MIS-ASC» (stands for Russian «МПЦ-АСК») and axle-counting system «ACS-ASC» (stands for Russian «ССО-АСК») for non-public railway stations of industrial enterprises.

The electric interlocking functionality in these systems is implemented with the use of programmable logic controllers. 

The controller configuration that includes two CPUs with synchronization submodules and two communication processors allows of creating a redundant automation system, where in case of failure of one of the CPUs the operating program will continue running in the other one, while communication with the upper level is not interrupted. Safety and emergency shutdown functions are supported by an intrinsic operational system.   

We have developed and successfully implemented the following systems that are in operation now:

  • — Microprocessor-based interlocking system (MIS) «MIS-ASC» (stands for Russian «МПЦ-АСК») based on an accident-prevention industrial controller;
  • — Axle counting system used for monitoring the moves of each wagon/locomotive within the boundaries of the station;
  • — Automatic level crossing safety installation «ALCSI-ASC» (stands for Russian ««АПС-АСК»);
  • — Rolling stock tracking system, based on «MIS-ASC» (stands for Russian «МПЦ-АСК»), which is interfaced with software platforms «Information Logical System ILSAR» and «ERTRAN» RZD;
  • — Automatic message generation system for a station yard intercommunication network (as part of «MIS-ASC» system) (stands for Russian «МПЦ-АСК»);
  • — UPS system for signals and interlocking and communicating devices.

The systems are designed to be used at the stations and crossings both newly built and being reconstructed. We are ready to perform a full range of works on implementation of automatic equipment and remote control systems for railways, which includes not only development of design documentation and software, but also erection, complete equipment procurement, delivery, commissioning and service maintenance of microprocessor-based interlocking system «MIS-ASC» («МПЦ-АСК») and axle counting system «ACS-ASC» («ССО-АСК»).